
President -Jeni Reely

Vice President- Jason Eliason

Secretary- Amber Condit  

Treasurer- Melissa Matlack

Fair Booth General Manager- Bob Taylor

Fair Booth Mangers- Mandy Evans, Karen Lipps, Susan Neill, Jessica Cashman, Libby Meier, and Mike Huston

Concession Stand General Manger- Maureen Huss

Football Announcer- "The Voice of the Barons"-  George Wisener

Basketball Announcer- April Scowden 

Program Editor and Picture Day Coordinator- Angelo McComis

THANK YOU to all of our Volunteers who help make our sporting events a success!

Ticket Scanners, Clock/Scoreboard Operators, Chain Gang, Concessions Volunteers, and many many more!

BV Athletic Boosters ByLaws (1).pdf